The Odierno Law Firm, P.C. has proudly adopted Gokong, an orangutan, as part of The Orangutan Project.
After being snatched from his mother and being forced to watch her torture, Gokong was sold by a fisherman to the palm oil planation worker for AU$10.40. When found, Gokong was suffering from malnutrition and was severely underweight.
With the help of The Orangutan Project, Gokung arrived at Batu Mbelin Quarantine Center in Sumatra in February of 2012. Since then, he has gained weight and is learning to climb.
As a result of deforestation, illegal logging, fires, poaching and hunting, orangutans are disappearing at an alarming rate. Without action, Sumatran Orangutans will soon be extinct.
The Odierno Law Firm, P.C. supports the tireless efforts of The Orangutan Project. The care we have for endangered species carries over into our legal practice as well. Our Long Island personal injury attorneys resiliently fight to help clients financially recover from the incidents they have suffered. If you would like to learn more about our firm and what we can do for your injury case, contact us today.
Lee J. Odierno is the managing partner of Odienero Law’s no-fault department. Find out more about Lee on his profile page, or visit any of his social media profiles below: