It is one of the most difficult things to experience. Losing a loved one due to negligence. This often results in the family having to deal with the emotional and financial hardships that come with the injury and subsequent death of a loved one.
While legal action is not something that many people consider immediately following this tragic event, it can help you deal with some of the expenses associated with the loss. Knowing what damages can be available can help you deal with the aftermath in the most effective manner possible and give you comfort knowing the negligent party is being held accountable for his or her actions.
The Compensation You Need and Deserve
The compensation recovered in a wrongful death case can help with the following:
- Medical Expenses: This includes costs of the hospital stay, procedures, testing, and medication from the date of the injury to the date of the death if applicable.
- Pain and Suffering: This compensates for the injuries and physical pain and suffering the deceased experience prior to his or her passing.
- Burial and Funeral Expenses: This includes the cost of the casket and site, as well as any additional costs to proceed with the funeral.
- Losses the Family Experiences: These can be broken down into various different losses including loss of support and companionship, lost guidance, lost counsel, and more.
One of the most important things that the family can seek is compensation for lost income and lost expected earnings. This can include the amount the deceased would have earned during the time of the injury to the time of death, as well as expected income over the rest of his or her lifetime.
At Odierno Law Firm, our Long Island wrongful death lawyers truly care about the family of those who have lost a loved one due to negligence. We’re here to guide individuals through the complex process so they can pursue the justice and compensation they deserve.
We’re here for you when you need us most, safeguarding your rights and options every step of the way.
For a free consultation, we encourage you to call us today: (631) 752-8580.
Lee J. Odierno is the managing partner of Odienero Law’s no-fault department. Find out more about Lee on his profile page, or visit any of his social media profiles below: